Most people on the planet do not live according to the plan they were created for, they do not follow the ways towards their necessary evolution and they keep others from following these ways. Most people are not even trying to complete the mission humanity was created for and was built for. People as a species cease to be people.

Therefore, the beings who are responsible for karma (the lords of karma and others) will stop the lives of those who do not fit the vibrations and those who don’t perform their individual tasks.

In order to continue living, first of all, these creatures are now required from people:

1. Develop the love for god and strive for god.
2.Stop doing evil.
3. Work hard.
4. Fix and restore the good that they broke within themselves and other creatures.
5. Fulfill what was promised (all the energy taken for some means must be turned into result or turned back).
6.Close the individual and soul’s debts..
7. Complete the missions.
8. Destroy evil.

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