Reiki (jap. 霊気) is a spiritual practice that was discovered by a Japanese Buddhist Mikao Usui in 1922.Reiki uses the technique of palm healing as a form of complementary therapy which is often called “oriental medicine” by professionals. The characteristics of Reiki had fully satisfied the requirements of Traditional medicine practitioners and faith healers (g.324) in the International Standard Classification of Occupation but later when the list was reclassified it has been redirected to the group of Health associate professionals not elsewhere classified (g.3229). Reiki is not considered to be a medical practice and is not licensed In Russia.

The word Reiki compounds two hieroglyphs – rei and ki. In Japan rei has the meaning of the Universe, spirit, soul. Ki means energy, mind and mood. They call Reiki a “Universal living energy” in English speaking country sometimes. People who practice reiki claim that they are adapting the Ki healing energy  by their palms and that this energy may be available to everyone after the initiation by the Reiki Master. Modern science rejects the idea of the “living energy” or biofield.

Doctor Mikao Usui, the author of the healing system spent a lot of time to research the methods of natural healing. Later he based a school Usui Reiki Ryōhō Gakkai (Usui’s Spiritual Energy Therapy Method Society) to share the knowledge about his healing system. The knowledge was passed on from the Reiki Masters to students. The students were Japanese only at the beginning of the school, but later foreign students were also accepted. After Usui’s death Chujiro Hayashi, one of the first sixteen masters initiated by Mikao Usui personally, made a big push for spreading the Reiki system knowledge abroad Japan. To the end of XX century a large amount of various Reiki practices was spread all over the world.

From Wikipedia article

Basic ideas in brief.

The neophyte is initiated by a Master of a certain level and later is given a special code of laws which can be called an analog of the Ten Commandments in Christianity:

  • Do not be angry,
  • Do not worry,
  • Be grateful,
  • Work with diligence,
  • Be kind to people.

And then the neophyte is given the technique of palm healing.  According to the system of levels a person may achieve higher levels practicing.

The real situation about Reiki and the general problems of it.

  1. People practicing Reiki often concentrate on the technique itself instead of following the basic principles that were announced in the brief telling of the basic ideas.
  2. Every initiation in any system of training connects an initiated person to a certain egregor, to a certain level of the delicate field’s energy. The initiation action itself is held right in this certain area of delicate fields. Working and studying under a certain egregor leads to a following situation: your attention (energy)is being given to the egreogor and it brings you power backwards, but this connection limits your height by the boarders of the ideas and energetic that build the system itself. It may be quite helpful to enter an egregor for people who has just joint  the Way of self-development and whose person constructions are unbalanced at the starting moment because it may give them power to balance themselves. But then a balanced person should quit the system if s/he wants to develop the individuality and know her/his own soul. There is no knowledge on Earth around that can consider all of the features of every soul.

Unfortunately not all people sharing Reiki knowledge are really connected to the egregor and as a result neither are those who are being initiated by them what makes the whole process of initiation and the following work totally fictitious.

If a person practices Reiki just for her/his personal development than initiation is simply a lie, because a person is able to practice without this fictitious initiation. If a person starts working with other people not being connected to the egregor this can lead to serious consequences. If a person isn’t covered by the egregor and doesn’t get the energy from it than a Reiki master will have to spend her or his own karma for helping others getting ruined finally and not giving a real support to people.

Moreover when the personal karma of the Reiki Master is down, the Master starts automatically take energy from the patients, relatives, those who s/he loves and those who love her/him. A person may turn from the one who is sincerely lost into a dark teacher.

That’s why we recommend not to join the system if you don’t have a life mission to be a teacher. You may choose from a plenty of different methods of relaxation and helping. Being used and practiced in such an incorrect form Reiki method is harmful and helpless, and it only deludes people and wastes their precious time.

Improvements given by practice.

Of course there are cases of visible improvement and I will explain you the mechanism of how it works.

  1. Practice gives a necessity of a deep communicating to a large number of people. And most people in the world suffer from the lack of healthy communication.
  2. Elimination of contradictions.Exchanging the information people may eliminate some of their contradictions what brings the burst of energy.
  3. Finding a partner. An absence of adequate partner is a problem for many people in the world.  Expanding the horizons of communication one may also expand the boarders of a partner choice.
  4. Expressing emotions. Communicating sincerely, as practice demands, overcoming possible hardships and solving problems helps to give way to the unexpressed emotions which makes life easier and helps to feel better.
  5. People automatically cover each other on a level of energy being the parts of the one team having a common goal.
  6. Blissful characters combination of people are the Way to the enlightenment itself.
  7. All the groups of people who gather and ask God in the purpose of development get the answer independently from the form of asking.

The Conclusion.

The general opinion of clairvoyants is that unfortunately the system of Reiki based with talent has mainly degenerated and turned into a system of trickery having nothing in common with healing or self-development.

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